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Dear Readers, I have decided to take my leave of this blog so this will be my final post. As we all know, things on the Internet never die so past blogs will be there should you be ‘jonesing’ for old favorites or read some you missed over the years. When Gill and I began writing over 7 years ago, she was a newly-minted PhD grad and was living here with me. She was struggling to find a job and eventually found her way to the UK where she has been ever since. She recently received her ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) visa so it appears the UK has now become her home…until it isn’t! With all the dire predictions about Brexit, she may have to leave the UK. She’s casting wistful glances at other countries in the EU –preferably ones with warmer climes where she can buy decent fruit all year round (but she’ll still be coming home each summer for the peaches and corn!) Oh, and a great job would also be an enticement.

We are still very connected to each other but it has been difficult to find topics that can involve us both, thus veering far off our original concept of Boomer-Boomerang co-habitation. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the blog for all those years and will miss it–but I have other writing projects in mind.I hope you’ve enjoyed being part of my offbeat family’s strange adventures. I/We have enjoyed having you onboard. Thank you so much for your loyalty.

With that, I take my leave.
